Important please read
In order to be eligible for Gas and Electric you must have a pre-payment meter
Food awards are actual food packages and not vouchers or cash.
Our Local Welfare Provision is not the same scheme as run by your local job centre. The Government has awarded us a reduced funding to provide a similar service. Because of this reduction there are several circumstances where no award will be made. These are listed below. Please read this list before making an application.
- If your need could be met through eligibility to budgeting loans, short term advances (formally benefit alignment payments or DWP benefit delays), cold weather payments, winter fuel payments or requirements under Fair Access to Care Services (FACS).
- Where you could gain assistance privately, either from your own money or resources, or where other people can support you.
- You may be able to claim a refund under the 'Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme' (HTCS) of the cost of travelling to hospital or other NHS premises for NHS-funded treatment or diagnostic test arranged by a doctor or dentist.
- Rent in advance or removal costs. This can be applied for from Discretionary Housing Payments.
- Where 2 payments from the fund have already been made within a 12 month period.
- For items other than which we can provide and where private insurance should cover costs of damages.
- Where liability exists elsewhere which addresses the issue (insurance, landlord responsibility).
- Unexpected budgeting issues without a casual emergency or crisis.
- To make up for a reduction in benefit which has been sanctioned or disallowed.
If you make an application where the above circumstance applies, your application will not be successful.
Please choose the option from below that best describes your current circumstances.